Tuesday, 14 May 2013

What have you done today to make you feel proud? #2

So, following on from yesterday's productivity, I made a list first thing this morning of everything I wanted to complete today.

Here's the list...
I know it's not a massively long list, but I always find I work best when I set myself a few small targets to hit by the end of the day

And here's the list now...
Romeo done!
It might sound silly, but I genuinely do believe that nothing beats the satisfaction of crossing things off a list and I really love the feeling of being able to stop and know that I've done enough for the day.
What's even better is that I actually really enjoyed today. After lunch, Lucy, Charl and  I took our work and spent the afternoon in our favourite cupcake shop and revised over tea and cake. It was just so nice to get out of the house and go somewhere that wasn't the library for a change!

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