Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Every day is a winding road...

Okay, so I'm not really sure where I'm going with this post. I just feel like I need to put some words in black and white to clear my head.
I've officially finished my second year of teaching at uni so I'm just frantically trying to get my assignments and revision done before summer can begin, and just at the moment stressed doesn't even cover it.
I had a couple of lovely days at home for the bank holiday weekend and I came back to uni feeling completely relaxed and ready to work, but now I couldn't be any further away from that feeling.
Yesterday was such a productive day and I made loads of progress with my essay, but I'm really struggling today. I'm also becoming increasingly frustrated with one of my house-mates and that is absolutely not helping the situation. He's just so uncooperative and selfish and he makes such a big deal over the smallest things, and I just feel like enough is enough.

That's where I left this blog post when Lucy came in and suggested a revision break. Granted I wasn't really doing any work to have a break from, but I feel so much better for having stopped. I really do think that a half hour breather and a giggle with the girls (and the big mug of hot chocolate I've just had...) was exactly what the doctor ordered!

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